This boot camp management game is inspired by Full Metal Jacket Drill Sergeant



Full Metal Jacket is a cornerstone of military pop culture for anyone who enjoys 80s war movies, but it usually inspires something more on the nose – a first-person shooter, or so we’re talking of strategy games, a kind of tactical experiment. Carlo Cassini, the solo designer of the innovative WWII game to the last shot, really loves the Drill Sergeant in the film – so much so that he made it into a game.

Full Metal Sergeant is a camp management game with automatic fighting mini-games. You are placed in the shoes of a military instructor in an unnamed military training camp who has twelve weeks to get his recruits in shape. You will be able to choose the configuration of your training grounds, as well as manage the program itself, and you will be able to let your recruits compete with other training camps.

You’ll need to be careful with stress levels though – ask too much and bad things could happen. We’re not sure what yet, but we’ve seen enough practice fixtures to be able to make an educated guess. It usually involves a lot of yelling.

Asked directly about this, Cassini mentioned that if stress levels get too high, one of your recruits might actually try to kill you – like in the movie.

“Basically the point of the game is to provide high quality soldiers and not get killed during that time,†he told us. So no pressure.

Full Metal Sergeant will be released on PC via Steam in late 2022.

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